Object Title
Locomotive Valve Setting
Object Name
Date Made
Catalogue Number

Length: 19.5cm x Width: 13.0cm x Height: 1.0cm


This is a black hardcover book. The book is entitled "Locomotive Valve Setting". It was written by Frank Williams and was published by the International Textbook Company in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1930. On the top of the front cover, there is embossed box that has the book title, reads "LOCOMOTIVR VALVE SETTING". On the bottom of the front page is an embossed text that reads "INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY SCRANTON, PA." The back cover has a plain black surface. The spine has the book title in gold texts, and there is a printed gold number of "505B" on the bottom. On the title page, there is a black stamp of the Pump House Steam Museum, and a pencil-written number of "99205104" on the bottom right corner. This book covers information on the operation, checking, and adjustment of locomotive valve setting. It teaches people how to properly attach valves to a locomotive.


This text book was written to teach people how to accurately attach the valves to a locomotive that were necessary to go on right before it was operational.