Metal Plate Length: 71 cm long Height: 30 cm
Left Gauge Diameter: 20 cm x Height: 7 cm
Centre Gauge Diameter: 18.5 cm x Depth: 5 cm
Right Gauge Diameter: 20 cm x Height: 7 cm
A set of three brass gauges mounted on a green painted metal plate. The plate has 4 holes, one at each corner, for mounting. The gauge to the left side has a small plaque above it labelled "BOILER FEED". The gauge is brass, and round with glass face. It has the numbers from 1-260 in increments of 20. There is a movable metal arrow in the centre of the plate, that has a crescent shape at the one end. At bottom of the gauge face it says,"MORRISONS IMPROVED / LOCO. GAGE / THE JAS MORRISON Co. / BRASS MFG CO. LTD / TORONTO / 68693". At the bottom of the gauge is a small threaded pipe. There are three screws affixing the gauge to the plate. The centre gauge has a small plaque above it labelled "SERVICE WATER". The gauge is brass, and round with glass face with a crack. It has the numbers from 1-160 in increments of 20. There is a movable metal arrow in the centre of the plate, that has a crescent shape at the one end. At bottom of gauge face it says, "FEDERAL / WARRANTED / CHICAGO MARSHALLTOWN / TRADEMARK". Underneath that, scratched in by hand are the words "MADE IN USA". It has a small threaded pipe coming out the bottom. There are three screws affixing the gauge to the plate. The rightmost gauge has a small plaque above it labelled "CITY WATER". The gauge is brass, and round with glass face. It has two sets of numbers. The top set of numbers goes from 0-240 in increments of 40. The lower set of numbers goes from 0-260 in increments of 40, with one starting increment of 20. There is a movable metal arrow in the centre of the plate, that has a crescent shape at the one end. The bottom of gauge reads, "MORRISONS IMPROVED / LOCO. GAGE / FEB. 11-42 / THE JAS MORRISON / BRASS MFG CO. LTD / TORONTO / 68692". Most of the letters are stamped, but the date looks hand carved. There is a small threaded pipe at the bottom of the gauge. There are three screws affixing the gauge to the plate.