Height 28.6 cm x Width 24.8 cm
A political cartoon that depicts a representation of former Prime Minister John A. Macdonald and allegorical figures of Canada and the United States (Columbia). On the left Sir John A. Macdonald sits at his desk and turns his head slightly to look out in the viewer's direction. On the right the allegorical figures of Canada and the United States stand close together in conversation, wearing classical dress and various emblems of their respective countries. The accoutrements of a law office are in the background. "H. Julien" is in the print at the lower left corner. "AT WORK AGAIN" is printed below the image at centre with the text of the conversation between Canada and Columbia below. "Vol. XI - No. 20. MONTREAL, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1875 SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS / $4 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE" is printed above the print across the top.