Object Name
Plane, Block
Hearnshaw Brothers ||John Bull
Wood --Metal
Catalogue Number

L: 19.3cm W: 6.9cm H: 13.0cm
a- L: 19.3cm W: 6.9cm H: 6.9cm
b- L: 10.7cm W: 4.4cm H: 1.7cm
c- L: 17.4cm W: 5.0cm H: 0.3cm


A wooden bench plane consisting of 3 parts.
a- The body is coffin-shaped, with a flat toe and heel and rounded cheeks. It is made of a neutral brown hardwood. A wide throat cuts through the centre of the body. The sole is flat. There is an illegible stamp on the toe.
b- The wedge is made of the same hardwood as the body. It is wide-set with chamfered top corners. The bottom edge is tapered and splits into 2 prongs.
c- The cutting iron consists of two irons secured together by a screw. The top corners of the iron are chamfered. The cutting edge is flat. An intricate stamp reads "HEARNSHAW BROS./JOHN BULL/CAST STEEL/SHEFFIELD"; "II" with a simple illustration of a man in a top hat holding a cane.


Block planes are a variety of smoothing plane. They can be used to remove thin layers of material, or to chisel off thick pieces. They are usually 8 to 12 inches long and the iron is set at a low angle. Block planes are used for cutting following the grain of the wood.